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Annual Report Day of
9th & 11th class
Date - 11/05/24 Day - Saturday
On 11th May annual report day of class 9th and 11th where declared on this occasion all the teachers children and their parents were present. In all 9th standards Swaransha L. Tagde ( 91.33 %) was 1st, Manasvi N. Tembhekar ( 90.33 %) was 2nd and Shrushti G. Chaple and Mohit Y. Sahare ( 88.83 %) were 3rd.
In all XI standards Raunak R. Parate was 1st, Natasha S. Ambirwar was 2nd and Yuvika M. Parate was 3rd. All the above Toppers of IX and XI received medals and prices by the hand of school authorities. On this occasion Swaransha and Manasvi of 9th standard expressed their views and thanked to all teachers,
,Headmistress Mrs.Yawalkar ma'am and high School incharge Mrs Balki ma'am. At the last , Principal ma'am guided all the students, parents and teachers. Program was conducted by Sethi Ma'am and supported by all teachers.
At the last conclude this report by the words of our former president Dr. Abdul Kalam " learning gives you creativity, 'creativity leads to thinking' thinking provide knowledge, knowledge makes you great".