The use of a compass box in basic geometry is very important The knowledge of geometry is completely
based on an understanding of its various parts of the compass box and how to use
compass box.
Maths compass is used to draw perfect circles. The main function of the compass is to works with a sharpened pencil inserted into the cam lock. A sharp, pointed tip rests on the paper that the circle will be drawn on, and you rotate the top of the compass to create a circle of a certain diameter. Following is the method of using a compass.
· Keep the compass ready.
· Insert the pencil into the cam lock and tighten the screw on the side of
the cam lock to secure it.
· The tip of the height of the pencil and height of tip of the compass must be the same
Decide on the size of the circle. The compass is extended based on the circle's radius. Use the ruler scale to measure exactly what the radius of the circle needs to be, then set the sharp point of the compass at that point on the ruler. Extend the pencil out to the '0' measurement of the ruler to set the size.
Draw the circle. Holding the compass firmly from the top metal safety point, place the pointed end of the compass on the paper where you wish to draw the circle. Slowly rotate the compass around so that the pencil begins drawing the circle. Do not apply any pressure to the pencil or the width of your circle will change.
Remove the compass. When the drawing is complete, lift the compass from the paper. Set the compass aside in a safe place, taking care not to touch the sharp point.
For using any geometrical activity you require
Measuring scale, Sharp pencil, Compass, Paper,
Important tips
Use a miniature or shortened pencil whenever
possible. A smaller pencil will balance out the weight of the compass more
easily than a full-sized pencil. Sharpen your pencil before using the compass
to create a smooth and flawless circle.
Safety precautions
Always store the compass in a closed
container when not in use. The sharp point can cause scratches and scars.
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